Unlock your musical potential with our exam support

Most music schools prepare students to take instrumental examinations although this is not obligatory. Music exams are externally provided assessments where candidates are obliged to prepare a set number of pieces and technical challenges/skills in a performance setting.
Music instrument exams are graded in difficulty from 1 to 8, and the level that the student wishes to take is dependent on their skill level. Exams in music do not need to be taken consecutively, and it is possible for a student at an advanced level to take just one exam - grade 8.

South Dublin Music prepares and enters students for the following examination bodies:
Royal Irish Academy of Music (Irl)
Trinity College London (UK)
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (UK)
All music exams require the payment of an exam entry fee, and the choice of examination body is dependent upon agreement between the tutor/student and South Dublin Music.
If you, or your child, would like to undertake music exams in Dublin, click on the button below for further details.